Our hyperbaric Oxygen therapy chamber are: * Affordable to your patients * Profitable to your center

Monday, August 4, 2014


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ( HBOT ) is the process of breathing 100% oxygen in a carefully controlled, pressurized environment, resulting in increased oxygen delivery to the body tissues. At pressures greater than normal atmospheric pressure, the body is able to absorb more oxygen into blood cell, blood plasma, cerebral spinal and other body fluids. This increased oxygen activity enhances the body's ability to heal.

HBOT – Wounds:

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy offers outpatient care that is highly effective in healing wounds that resist conventional therapies such as : Complex soft tissue wounds, Diabetic foot ulcers, Arterial Ulcers, Venous stasis ulcers, Pressure ulcers, Trauma Wounds, Skin Grafts and Flaps, Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections, Burns, Neuropathic Ulcers, Tissue Damage from Radiation...

HBOT - Action:
The increased oxygen tension in tissues supports physiologic wound healing, decreasing edema, enhances oxidative killing of bacteria, increasing cellular energy production, antibiotic potentiation, neoangionenesis promotion, enhanced epithelial migration, improved collagen production and granulation-tissue formulation.
HBOT Benefit:
When used as an adjunct treatment of modality can significantly improve morbidity and mortality, reduce length of hospital stay, reduces the need for surgical interventions, lessen the need for surgery or foot amputations, reduces treatments costs, improves quality of life…
Together Let Us Save Limbs & Lives.
Our Hyperbaric Chambers are:
* Profitable to your center
* Affordable to your Patients

To Learn More Click On The below links:

 “We are driven by our passionate belief that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will be within the reach of every one that needs the benefit of the oxygen revolution can render in India”Bird. J.K

Ask us for Specifications, Prices & For a Live Demo:

Bird Medical Devices, Mumbai, India.
Tel:  91-22-65 655 123 Mobile: 91- 9769 484 123 (or) 91-9769 006 123
Email: indiahbot@gmail.com / info@indiahbot.com
Websites:-  www.indiahbot.com

(All statements or views expressed in this site are not specifically or explicitly  aimed at any person(s), organisations, associations or general public. Consult a doctor before pursuing any form of therapy. The Information provided within this site is not to be considered Medical Advice.The content and information provided within this site is for informational and educational purposes only.)